Chef Notes
Chef Server Download and Install On Centos 8: CHEF_SERVER_DL= INSTALL_DIR=/home/admin wget $CHEF_SERVER_DL -P $INSTALL_DIR Installation: sudo dnf localinstall -y $INSTALL_DIR/chef-server-core-14.1.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm Configuration Start by setting the following variables to correspond with the commands below: USERNAME="chefadmin" FIRST_NAME="Chef" LAST_NAME="Administrator" EMAIL="" KEY_PATH="${HOME}/chefadmin.pem" ORG_NAME="myorg" ORG_FULL_NAME="Organization Inc." VALIDATION_KEY_PATH="/etc/chef/myorg-validator.pem" Install Chef server and automatically accept the license: sudo chef-server-ctl reconfigure --chef-license=accept Show status of server sudo chef-server-ctl status Create new user The key at ${KEY_PATH} will be used by a workstation at a later time. Specifically, it is the private key for the user to auth to the chef server. ...